Helping you make informed decisions about your financial plan so you can focus on what's truly important.

We're here to help make the transition to retirement as easy as possible.

Get started in 3 easy steps:

Schedule a meeting to sit down with us and discover what your ideal retirement looks like.

We’ll examine your current financial situation and determine your retirement needs.

Receive a custom Paradigm Plan to help you pursue your unique retirement goals.

Financial Education Resources

The Podcast

A fresh take on finances – with a dash of sports talk! Listen to Wise Assets with Matt Klaess for a fun and casual approach to financial topics. Hear our latest episodes and catch up in the archive by subscribing to our podcast.


Upcoming Events

Join us for upcoming workshops to learn about the most relevant financial, retirement and lifestyle topics. Our events aim to be informative and engaging, to help you expand your knowledge and connect with like-minded individuals in the community.


Useful Guides

Looking for valuable insights on financial planning topics? Access our full collection of resources here! Each guide is ready to download now and packed with informative content that can help you pursue your goals.


Attend a Live Event

Attend one of our informational seminars to learn more about retirement income strategies, wealth management and more.


August 13
Lunch ‘n Learn
11:30 am | Tower III – Rooftop Terrace